Bowling Green State University Doyt L. Perry Stadium Renovation

Bowling Green, Ohio

MexLucky worked with Bowling Green State University to develop concepts for their new field, helping the University pinpoint their needs and make decisions based on cost and durability. As part of the process, we served as the owner’s representative and conducted drainage testing and remediation to help ensure water drained off the sidelines.

Sportworks designed the new synthetic turf on the playing surface with fiber specifically built for performance, reflect light for a lower luster, and a more natural-looking field. Sportworks used synthetic turf off the field for the VIP seating section and replaced a strip of indoor turf used in the weight room training area for the off-season. Other areas of the stadium that received upgrades included:

  • The press box
  • Stadium club
  • Visitor’s football locker room
  • The golf training center

Sportworks worked with the Mid-American Conference (MAC) to get their approval of field artwork during the design process.